What We Do


Want to learn calisthenics or body weight skills like the handstand or muscle up?

Looking for overall fitness that you can do anywhere, anytime?

Already started, or looking to start, but want to understand the correct technique?

It all looks so simple when other people do it but when you try it on your own, it can feel impossible.

With tens of thousands of new people every year leaving the gym and swapping their heavy weights for functional body weight workouts, these are the questions we hear every day…

And we had the same questions when we started out.

Now we’re here to help. Train with us and reach your goals. Because we’ve done it ourselves, we’ve trained hundreds of people and we’ve had to learn all the tips ourselves.

Read on to learn more about us.


Established in 2014 in London, Barsparta started as a small group of friends with one common passion…bars!!

We would meet on a regular basis to support and learn new skills from each other.

Most of us came from difficult backgrounds, we used the bars as an escape and a way to train our minds and bodies. Calisthenics changed many of our lives. We are living proof that calisthenics is not just a sport or a way of working out.

All of this was around the same time that freestyle calisthenics and street workout competitions started to become popular. So, with minimal experience and no mentors except for our Barsparta team mates, some of our members decided to start to compete and take on athletes from across the world.

Fast forward a few years and we’re current UK champions and title holders for multiple world titles. We judge competitions and attend events all over the world. We’ve taught workshops across 20 countries, group classes and personal training clients. 

Now, our mission is simple: to bring calisthenics to the mainstream, as it should be.

Come train with us now!